Friday, May 26, 2023




6th Grade

You may work in a group of 2 people

Choose a topic.  It could be a persuasive piece, or a biography about a person or group, or it could be to educate or inform the audience about something.  

Write a short written proposal and pitch it to Mr. Gilley for approval.

Suggested discussion questions:

-What is a topic that you know enough about (or could research on your own and learn enough about) to teach it to an audience?

Watch these examples:

America’s Longest War

You Can Literally Make a Netflix-Style Documentary about Anything

  1. Teach and inform the audience about your topic

  2. Length - At least 3:00 minutes

  3. At least 2 minutes of narration/voice-over with high-quality audio

  4. At least 20 cuts

  5. Sound effects - manipulate emotional reactions, set moods and atmosphere.

  6. Music - manipulate emotional reactions, set moods and atmosphere.

  7. Titles, end-credits

  8. Subtitle every character who appears on screen.  

  9. Subtitle places/settings and Important ideas or questions.  See examples.


Welcome 2022 Technology Students

    Projects for 2022 Fall Semester Typing Club Google Slides "All About Me" Code Academy Scratch Animation