Saturday, September 2, 2023


You will create a slideshow presentation about yourself using GOOGLE SLIDES.

Your slideshow will consist of 7 or more individual slides that relate to
important parts of your life. Each slide represents a different category
such as “things you are good at."
You will present your slideshow to the class at the end of
the project for a final grade.
Upload your slide show to Canvas.
Due Date: February 14 2023

- You should have 7 completed slides that contain a sentence or a brief paragraph of text for each slide.
- The content should be interesting and engage the audience. Make this fun!
- Your slides should use different backgrounds, text color and fonts but make sure the text is easy to read.
- Add picture(s) related to the slide topic on every slide.
- Use slide transitions.
Optional: custom animations and sound(s). This can be tricky so I will leave it up to you.

Your grade will be based upon completing the assignment along
with giving a presentation to the class.

-Slide #01 – Introduction (family, name origin, places you have lived or where you were born)
Add at least one picture of yourself to this slide.
-Slide #02 –#05 - Choose among these topics for slides 2-5:
Baby stuff (memorable moment when you were a baby…first words, walking)
Elementary School (memorable teacher, class, or funny moment)
Pets (pet tricks, how you got your pet)
Team or Individual Sports (favorite sport or team you watch, do you play on a team)
Things You Do Well (we all do something well!)
Special Interests (music, skateboarding, after school activities)
Hobbies or Collections (coins, stamps, rocks)
Traveling or Vacations
Friends (what do you enjoy doing together)
Awards or Special Recognitions

Slide #06 – Your Future (career, college, goals, etc)
Slide #07 - something about you not many people know, or something silly, something random, or anything at all.

**topics or content for this project are flexible...please let me know if you have any alternate ideas you would like to do


You should have 7 completed slides that contain a brief paragraph of text for each slide (yes you can have more than 7). The content should be interesting and engage the audience.  Make this fun! 
Your slides should use different backgrounds, text color and fonts, art, picture(s) related to the slide topic, different slide transitions with sound, and different custom animations with sound(s)
Your grade will be based upon completing the assignment along with giving a presentation to the class. See the back of this page for grade standards and keeping track of your progress.

**topics or content for this project are flexible…please let me know if you have any alternate ideas you would like to do

Friday, September 1, 2023

Typing Club

 Your goal is 80% accuracy and 30wpm

I will check your progress online.

You will need to join our class first.

  1. Go to: (Links to an external site.)
  2. Click "Enter a Class Code"

Use Class Code  C8D5CDN

  1. I created an account using your first and last name, and your first name as your username.
 One you have joined the class, you can simply login using your first name.
  1. There is no password, so leave that blank.  You can change your password later.
  1. Complete by March 2nd:  6th Grade Typing: 


 Your goal is 30 words per minute with 80% accuracy.

The rest of the lessons will need to be completed by April 6th

I will see your progress on the typingclub website, so there is nothing to turn in.

Login information:

Welcome 2022 Technology Students

    Projects for 2022 Fall Semester Typing Club Google Slides "All About Me" Code Academy Scratch Animation